If the woman's age is under 35, for 1 year, if she is over 35, for 6 months, if pregnancy does not occur despite having unprotected sexual intercourse, infertility is diagnosed. Couples diagnosed with infertility should apply to an IVF specialist without wasting much time. The first thing that couples who plan to become pregnant should do is to apply to an IVF specialist who can evaluate their physical condition with their spouses. There are many factors that affect fertility and it is extremely important to be aware of them. Thanks to information and awareness, the chance of getting pregnant increases both naturally and with assisted reproductive techniques.
Infertility symptoms in women may not always occur. Even in the period when the menstruation is regular, the fertility ability may be very low. But in general, the first symptoms can be counted as disruption of the menstrual cycle. Infertility in men usually does not give any symptoms. Diagnosis can be made with the Spermiogram test to be performed. Previous varicocele or other testicular conditions may be a warning for infertility.
Reasons Related to Women:
Causes Related to Men:
There are a number of special tests that should be done to investigate the causes of infertility.
The first thing to do in women is gynecological examination and ultrasonographic imaging. Especially on the 2nd-5th of the period. Ultrasonographic imaging performed between the two days of age is important. Here, the first step in determining the ovarian reserve is taken and it is evaluated whether there is any pathological formation in the uterus such as fibroids, polyps or cysts. Hormone levels are determined by hormone tests (FSH, LH, E2, TSH, PRL and AMH) performed in the same period.
To evaluate whether the tubes are open, HSG (Hysterosalpingography) is taken at the end of the menstrual period.
If a polyp or fibroid-like formation is suspected in the uterus, it should be examined with hysteroscopy and if necessary, it should be treated in the same session.
Laparoscopic examination should be performed if endometriosis is suspected.
The most important test to be done in men is spermiogram. Other hormone tests may be requested afterward.
Couples who want to have a baby should first be evaluated by an IVF specialist. In our clinic, the patient is examined in the first place, and then the necessary examinations are requested from the couples. After the results are evaluated, personalized treatment programs are applied.
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