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What is Sexual Aversion?

İstanbul Sexual reluctance is a sexual dysfunction that has been increasing recently in both men and women. It is an informative letter about the definition and treatment of sexual reluctance.

Lack of sexual desire is the state of not experiencing sexual desire despite having sufficient stimuli. This condition can be seen in both men and women. According to another definition, sexual reluctance is the tendency to move away from all kinds of sexual activities and fantasies. Sexual reluctance, popularly known as frigidity, is a sexual dysfunction that can be treated.

Sexual desire, on the other hand, is the desire to engage in sexual activity and have a fantasy with one's partner, whether male or female. Sexual desire is seen in every healthy individual. At the same time, sexual desire is one of the basic instincts of the individual.

Sexual reluctance seen in women is known as “frigidity” or called “frigidity”.

Types of Sexual Aversion

Primary Sexual Reluctance:  It is the person's not showing interest in or desiring any sexual activity from the ages when sexual identity develops and matures.

Secondary Sexual Reluctance: The desire to experience and desire sexuality that exists during the development and maturation of sexual identity cannot be observed after a period of time. It is usually observed after negative experiences.

Situational Sexual Reluctance: Situational sexual reluctance is the loss of sexual desire from time to time, which can be observed in almost many people.

Causes of Sexual Reluctance

Istanbul Sexual reluctance varies according to its types. The reasons are almost common in people who experience sexual reluctance, whether they are men or women.

The primary type of sexual reluctance can be caused by a lack of stimuli. Sexual reluctance can be seen in people who lead a sexually isolated life. However, hormonal changes, excess or lack of hormones can cause sexual reluctance. For this reason, it will be useful to have a detailed hormone test.

Secondary type of sexual reluctance reasons are usually caused by negative sexual experiences. Incompatibility with the partner may occur due to reasons such as not paying attention to the personal care of the partner, anger in the relationship, resentments, social changes, financial problems, job changes, depression.

Situational sexual reluctance can be seen in many people. Tiring work tempo, arguments with a partner, temporary financial difficulties or partner change can cause situational sexual reluctance.

Istanbul Sexual reluctance can be seen depending on age. The rate of sexual reluctance in women during menopause is quite high.

Istanbul Causes of sexual reluctance can be physical as well as psychological. The most common cause of sexual reluctance in our country is of psychological origin.

Physical Causes of Sexual Reluctance

The most important and common physical factor causing sexual reluctance is the side effects of the drugs used. Antidepressants, birth control pills and drugs containing cortisone can cause sexual reluctance. In addition to these, the rate of sexual reluctance in women who are in the menopause period is also quite high. A number of chronic diseases, for example, heart, diabetes, blood pressure, circulatory disorders, thyroid diseases are some of the factors that cause sexual reluctance. Hormonal changes can also be among the physical causes of sexual reluctance. Painful intercourse (dyspareunia) seen in women during intercourse is one of the factors that reduce sexual desire.

Psychological Causes of Sexual Reluctance

Istanbul Sexual reluctance is a treatable disorder that can be seen in both men and women. In addition to physical factors, there can be psychological factors in sexual reluctance. Psychological factors show common characteristics in male and female sexual reluctance.

The most important psychological cause of sexual reluctance is the attitudes of partners or spouses towards each other. Couples who are angry with each other and have problems in their relationships begin to give a psychological reaction, which manifests itself in the form of sexual reluctance over time. However, the majority of patients who come to us with the complaint of sexual reluctance state that they experience sexual reluctance because their partners or spouses do not attach importance to their personal care. It is important for spouses to take care to appeal to the eye as well as to the soul, to pay attention to their personal care and to be clean. Another factor is social changes. Starting a new business life, leaving the job, economic troubles, death of a close person, being in an intensely stressful environment, depression, relationships with a lack of confidence can be counted among the factors that cause sexual reluctance.

Sexual Reluctance Treatment

İstanbul The treatment of sexual reluctance should be handled in two stages, as in other sexual dysfunctions. First of all, it should be investigated whether the source of the complaint is physical. If there is a physical factor, the problem can be resolved with medical treatment. If the complaint includes a long period of time, it is beneficial to take sexual therapy together with medical treatment.

In the treatment of sexual reluctance, if the source of the problem is based on psychological reasons, the process can be completed with psychotherapy and sexual therapies that last approximately ten to twelve sessions. Depending on the patient's resistance and reasons, this process may take longer or shorter.

Treatment of sexual reluctance, like other sexual dysfunctions, is a symptom that can be treated.

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