Vaginismus can also be defined as an incomplete marriage. Sexuality is a very important element for marriage. When this important stage is missing, both individuals and marriages begin to wear out over time. In order not to experience all these negativities, it is necessary not to delay the treatment of vaginismus. Vaginismus is a 100% treatable symptom.
Istanbul Vaginismus treatment and vaginismus treatment methods may vary between practitioner specialists and centers. It is important that the applied treatment methods are scientific and ethical. Methods widely used in the treatment of vaginismus in the scientific world; finger exercises and cognitive sexual - behavioral sexual therapies.
Istanbul Finger exercises: Finger exercises are recommended and applied by many centers and experts in the treatment of vaginismus. Before proceeding to the finger exercises, Kegel exercises are given to recognize the vagina with a mirror, touch and massage the vagina, and control the pelvic muscles. After the completion of these stages, the finger exercises assignment begins with the patient taking the first knuckle of his little finger into the vagina. The process, which is completed as the second and third knuckles of the little finger, continues with the middle finger and two fingers. After the completion of the personal exercises, paired exercises begin. Double intercourse is recommended after the same finger can be removed.
Although Istanbul Finger exercises are a frequently used treatment method in the treatment of vaginismus, the rate of starting and maintaining the process is very low. Negative judgments about the vagina do not allow vaginal contact and cause fear, anxiety and disgust in the patient.
Kegel exercises: The name of the scientist who found this method, Dr. It is an exercise that takes from Kegel. The purpose of Kegel exercises is to control and strengthen the pelvic muscles. Kegel exercise, which is known to be very useful in sexual therapies, also has the feature of increasing sexual desire as it intensifies the blood flow into the vagina.
Pelvic muscles, which are used for realizing or delaying urine, stool and gas needs, are also located in three-quarters of the vaginal entrance. For this reason, it is aimed to control and strengthen these muscles, which are involuntary contractions in the vagina and are controlled during urination, defecation or gas production.
Kegel exercise is primarily recommended while urinating in order to feel the muscles better. Instead of emptying the urine all at once, it is requested to complete the urine in the form of hold and release. The pelvic muscles, whose control is learned in this way, are done with frequent-release exercises even when there is no urine, and the process is completed.
Although Kegel exercise is important in the treatment of vaginismus, it is not a treatment method alone.
Cognitive Therapy: One of the vaginismus treatment methods is cognitive therapy. One of the causes of vaginismus is the lack of knowledge and fears of false information. Cognitive therapy is a process that provides correct information to couples and restructuring the perception of sexuality created with false information. In this way, the person's anxiety about the unknown decreases and he becomes aware of the wrong information he has. Cognitive therapy, which is very useful in these aspects, cannot be sufficient alone in the treatment of vaginismus. According to the results of both the trainings and the professional groups of many of our patients who come to us with the complaint of vaginismus, the cause of the disease is not lack of knowledge, but rather different concerns.
Behavioral Therapy: Behavioral therapy is one of the scientific methods applied in the treatment of vaginismus. It consists of exercises that control involuntary contractions in the vagina. Behavioral therapy takes place painlessly and under therapist control. Thanks to this method, involuntary contractions are taken under control, while realizing this as a learned behavior causes the treatment to be permanent. Behavioral therapy is one of the treatment methods that produces the shortest and permanent solution in the treatment of vaginismus in modern science. When supported with cognitive therapy, it gives 100% permanent results.
Hypnosis: Hypnosis is an application consisting of suggestions given to the subconscious after the person is half asleep and fully relaxed. With this application, it is possible to reduce the level of anxiety and to have a healthy infrastructure for treatment. Although it is not possible to completely eliminate vaginismus with the suggestions given, it is a good support method for treatment.
Surgical methods: Surgical methods applied in the treatment of vaginismus are not sufficient alone for the treatment of vaginismus. In vaginismus, which is seen due to anatomical conditions, some surgical methods applied to the hymen (hymen) create a healthy infrastructure for treatment, however, they do not eliminate vaginismus symptoms. As a vaginismus treatment, surgical interventions made only on the hymen are incomplete applications. For this reason, it is a distinctive feature that the specialist who decides on the surgical procedure is a specialist gynecologist and a sexual therapist.
Surgical procedures applied in vaginismus symptoms associated with anatomical reasons;
a) Hymenotomy: It is the enlargement of the membrane in case the hymen (hymen) is high-sided. Depending on the degree and severity of vaginismus, the patient can continue his daily life immediately after this procedure, which is performed with local or general anesthesia. This process, which takes about fifteen minutes, is performed to create the infrastructure of behavioral therapy.
b) Hymenectomy: Hymenectomy is the operation to completely remove the hymen (hymen) due to its structure. It is preferred in fibrotic, high-edged and hard-consistent hymen structures. The complete removal of the hymen takes an average of half an hour and is optionally performed under general anesthesia. After an average of one month after the procedure, the treatment is completed with behavioral therapies. Hymenectomy, like other applications, is not a stand-alone treatment method.
Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist
Op. Dr. Tamer Gultekin
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