Today, sexuality is a subject that has not ceased to be a taboo. It is difficult for couples to talk about a problem that they are afraid to talk about and to seek a solution when there is a problem. Vaginismus couples feel lonely when faced with this fact. They get the impression that they are the only couple experiencing this problem. However, vaginismus is the most common sexual dysfunction. The most distinctive feature of vaginismus, which is a phobic symptom, is the desire to avoid facing the disease and to postpone the treatment continuously. However, as the vaginismus treatment is delayed, the quality of life of the couples decreases and the relationship begins to wear out.
For the vaginismus woman, these experiences cause serious injuries in terms of self-confidence. He begins to see himself as incomplete and inadequate. It takes place in business life and social life as a subject that constantly occupies the mind and lowers energy. This situation may cause embarrassment towards the male spouse or, on the contrary, an aggressive attitude. Spouses begin to physically distance themselves from each other, with the fear that the result will be a trial of reunification. Physical distancing can also weaken the emotional bonds of spouses. In particular, as the marriage period gets longer, the expectation of children occurs due to social pressures, and this pressure can cause couples to become more introverted and less socialized.
Many of the vaginismus men's wives display an extremely understanding attitude in the face of this situation. It is admirable that they are their spouse's biggest supporter. Of course, vaginismus, which is the common responsibility area of couples, should be met with solidarity and commitment. The important thing here is that the overly understanding approaches of the male spouses do not delay the treatment.
Although vaginismus is a symptom that affects every aspect of life and reduces the quality of life, its treatment is carried out in a short time and permanently.
Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist
Sir Dr. Tamer Gultekin
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